Can Hair Loss be Caused by Antidepressants?

Do the antidepressants you take for your mental health cause your hair to thin or fall out? You can be experiencing hair loss due to antidepressant medication. To help you stay aware and prepared, this article examines the causal relationship between anti-depressant medication and hair loss and provides a list of medicines known to cause […]

Can Dandruff Hinder the Growth of My Transplanted Hair?

Have you ever looked down at your neck and shoulders after a hair transplant and noticed the light-colored flakes that you constantly have to brush off? These are the telltale symptoms of dandruff, which can leave you feeling self-conscious, uncomfortable, and unsure of what to do about it. About half of all Americans deal with […]

Can Baldness Be Stopped or Slowed Down?

Hair loss or balding affects up to 80% of men and 50% of women. While this common ailment probably won’t put your life in danger, it may certainly have a negative impact on your outlook on life and your mental well-being.  Hair restoration is a speciality at Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur (Petaling […]

Acne scars: Where Do They Come From?

The only thing worse than acne itself is being constantly reminded that you have had acne. Sizes and forms vary widely. Scars of all shapes and sizes: ice picks, rollers, pits, etc. and sometimes it’s just permanent dark markings. What causes acne to leave scars, then? What causes acne scars? When acne lesions (pimples and […]

What Causes Uneven Skin Tone and What Treatments Are Available?

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What Causes Uneven Skin Tone and What Treatments Are Available? Another factor that might make you appear and feel older than you actually are, besides fine lines and wrinkles, is dull or uneven skin tone. Additionally to making other facial flaws and age indications more obvious, it gives the skin a dull and worn-out appearance. […]

Treat Erectile Dysfunction Painlessly and Safely with GentlePro

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What Causes Uneven Skin Tone and What Treatments Are Available? Effective treatment for erection problems Since the male penis is not a muscle, proper blood flow to the corpus cavernosum is crucial and greatly aids in maintaining an erection. Shockwave therapy can both greatly enhance perfusion and encourage the growth of new blood vessels at […]

Mesotherapy Injections Resculpt Body & Rejuvenate Face

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Mesotherapy Injections Resculpt Body & Rejuvenate Face To get the benefits of the “French way” to slim down and look your best, you need not travel across the Klinik Dr Inder (Inder Wellness) at is where you may go to obtain Mesotherapy Injections in Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur. When performed by an experienced aesthetic physician […]

Improving CoolSculpting Outcomes to Get Rid of Even More Fat

Fat cells are frozen and killed during CoolSculpting, and the body then flushes them out. If you want the greatest results from your therapy, follow these steps: Hydrate thoroughly In addition to quenching thirst, water serves a number of other important functions in the body. Drinking plenty of water is recommended for all patients recovering […]

How Your Mood Can Impact Your Skin (Part 2)

There is no doubt that your state of mind may alter the appearance of your skin, and vice versa. Furthermore, taking care of your skin might have positive effects on your mood. At times when you need it most, a good skin-care routine may help you practise mindfulness, lift your spirits, and be nice to […]

How Your Mood Can Impact Your Skin

The effects of stress on your physical health are well-documented, and this includes the condition of your skin. Experts believe that stress may cause outbreaks and aggravate illnesses like eczema and psoriasis; this is just one way that your internal state can manifest externally. The state of your skin may be greatly affected by how […]