Do you brush your hair and find a massive clump of hair trapped in the comb? Does hair end up all over your shower floor every time you take a shower? In that case, the issue may be more serious than you anticipate.
Though daily hair loss of 50–100 strands is considered normal, is daily hair loss of 200–300 also normal? Not! If you let this severe thinning of your hair go untreated for too long, your hairline will continue to recede and the thinned areas will spread across your head.
In order to put a stop to unchecked hair loss, you need to identify and treat its underlying cause, thus getting expert aid as soon as possible is highly recommended. To provide just one example, androgenetic alopecia, the root cause of hair loss in 95% of males, needs prompt and appropriate treatment.
Can Hairs Loss Be Prevented, and If So, How?
If your daily hair loss is between 200 and 300, you should pay attention to it. It’s best to see a doctor if your hair loss persists after treatment, but here are some of the potential factors.
Family history of baldness
Baldness tends to run in families, so if it runs in yours, you could experience it too. Thin patches of hair around the head are the first evidence of female baldness, whereas bald spots are more obvious in males.
Disturbed Hormone Levels
Hair development, no matter where it is, is heavily influenced by hormones. This means that even a small shift in their chemical makeup might cause a dramatic loss of hair.
Infections on the scalp
Hair loss of 200-300 a day is due to a number of medical problems. Hair thinning can be brought on by a number of different things, including but not limited to alopecia areata, radiation therapy, ringworm infection, and excessive scratching or pulling of hair.
Drug-related side effects
There are several drugs that might have serious adverse effects, including hair loss. Chemotherapy for cancer has become increasingly prevalent. Hair loss can be exacerbated by several prescription drugs, including those for hypertension, depression, heart problems, etc.
Chemically-treated hair
A lovely appearance is not worth the devastating effects that a lifetime of chemical and other styling product use will have on your hair. The effects of heat and chemicals like bleach on hair loss may be quite noticeable.
Emotional strain
One’s state of mind may have a surprising impact on their hair. Excessive hair loss might be a sign of carrying too much emotional weight.
What Options Do You Have for Treating Hair Loss?
Because of the progress of science, we now have a number of options for dealing with the problem of hair loss. However, it is recommended that you first speak with a competent dermatologist before deciding on a course of therapy for hair loss.
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for Hairs Loss
The term “PRP treatment” refers to the use of platelet-rich plasma. After drawing blood, platelets in the PRP Hair Treatment are injected directly into the scalp, where they stimulate hair growth. Increased hair thickness is a direct result of the platelets’ ability to stop hair loss.
FUE Hair Transplant
In contrast to conventional methods, FUE hair transplant is a non-invasive technique to restore hair. This method involves harvesting hair follicles from virtually anywhere on the body where they develop healthily. In locations where hair is sparse, the follicles can be transplanted from elsewhere on the body. The minimal risks associated with follicular unit extraction, including microscopic scars in the extraction regions, are outweighed by the procedure’s tremendous efficacy.