What you may anticipate
CO2 laser skin resurfacing might appear to be a “miracle” and is expected to result in a “big improvement” for you. But we ought to counteract these claims with some sense and realism. Yes, according to the capabilities of the technology, regular people would think the outcomes of this treatment are wonderful. Doctors, however, are aware of what is realistic and viable in terms of biology.
You can be let down if your goal is to appear 20 again at a drooping 60-year-old. If you want baby-smooth skin but have extensive acne scars, you might not be successful at achieving it. It’s essential to ask your practitioner for before and after pictures of previous patients to clarify expectations.
Nevertheless, bear in mind that each patient’s response to this process will be unique – even if the same precise methods, settings, and equipment are utilised on all patients (which isn’t the case). This is because our bodies are unique by nature. Thus, you cannot anticipate the identical outcomes that another person experienced. Yours might be more extreme or less extreme. It also depends on where you start.
Last but not least, remember that CO2 laser therapy has progressive results. To observe the full effects, it may take up to a year. This is due to the fact that the body must naturally mend, which takes time.
Your dedication to at-home care before and after the Skin Resurfacing Treatment
You could be told to take specific medications and utilise specific skin care products for one to two weeks prior to your procedure during your initial appointment with a doctor for a CO2 skin treatment. These could include antibiotics or antiviral medications to stop infections. Or, they might be as easy as applying a cosmeceutical face cream created to strengthen the regeneration capabilities of your skin.
You will get care instructions after you are discharged from the hospital. To prevent infection, it will be crucial to maintain a clean face. The oral and topical medications your doctor has prescribed must also be continued.
Your skin will start to peel 2-7 days after treatment. This stage won’t allow you to pick or clean your skin because doing so might leave scars. Aside from that, you should sleep on your back.
You MUST apply sunscreen for at least four to six weeks following the surgery if you are exposed to any UV rays, even indoors through a window. During the healing process, your skin will be more vulnerable to sunlight. Therefore, it’s crucial to regard this guideline as “law.” Keep in mind that your skin first began to deteriorate due to UV exposure. It makes no sense to go through this process just to make it worse with UV rays when it’s “raw” and photosensitive.
However, regular use of high-SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen is still advised for everyone.
You’ll need to use diligence to complete everything above. While you’re at their office, a doctor can only do so much for you. You must strictly adhere to the directions given if you want to receive the full benefits of pre and after care.
Although there are other options, CO2 skin resurfacing treatment might be a fantastic choice
We will state as a conclusion that even if CO2 skin resurfacing is a wonderful alternative for certain people, it is not the only one. There are different technologies available if you wish to revitalise your skin. Additionally, not all of them require a protracted healing procedure.
You may always choose milder procedures to begin with while learning about laser skin care (like chemical peels). Work your way up to a treatment like a Yellow dual laser gradually. Although it is powerful, a fractional CO2 laser is far gentler on your skin. Collagen regeneration can also be accomplished by repeated hot microneedling sessions.
Booking a consultation at a reputable skin care facility like Klinik Dr Inder here in Petaling Jaya will be your best bet. A doctor and a laser technician will be able to examine your skin, take the time to learn about your issues and suggest the best course of action. There should never be any pressure put on you to purchase the “big ticket” item, and you should always have a choice. Furthermore, the expectations that are placed on you have to be reasonable. Keep away from “smoking mirrors” salespeople!
We have performed CO2 laser skin resurfacing in Kuala Lumpur (Petaling Jaya) for many years. To get started, schedule a consultation, and we’ll be able to walk you through the rest.