How Do I Treat & Prevent Skin Tags?

When they appear in awkward places like the folds of your skin or on your face, skin tags may be a major annoyance. Even worse, skin tags can become really painful when they get caught on things like jewellery, hairbrushes, or razors, or when they rub against clothes. When they become itchy or unpleasant, skin tags can […]
FUE Hair Transplant and Its Benefits

FUE Hair Transplant and Its Benefits The loss of hair may have a significant effect on one’s quality of life, as experienced by 85% of men and 40% of women who experience it. Hair loss can have negative effects on a person’s self-esteem, confidence, mood, and social life. Board-certified hair transplant specialist and medical director […]
Hair Loss in Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Although daily hair loss of 50–100 hairs is considered typical, more than half of women in the world will develop hair loss in women. As a result, substantial hair loss can trigger anxiety, tension, and a general lack of self-assurance. To help you deal with hair loss, we’ll examine the factors that contribute to it, […]
Does Scalp Massage Help Hair Growth?

Hair thinning is a widespread issue in the United States today. The average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs every day, as reported by the American Academy of Dermatology. Hair loss becomes more noticeable with age, but there are solutions. One treatment for thinning hair and hair loss is a massage of the scalp. […]
Do you know not all fats are bad? Learn these facts about fats

Do you know the frustration of trying to lose weight by doing everything properly, yet seeing no results despite your best efforts? It’s not your fault; it’s a common problem that many people face. Weight loss by food and exercise alone is challenging. Here, we’ll discuss the reasons for this. Facts About Fats: Some fat […]
CO2 Laser Resurfacing treatment: Factors and Recovery

CO2 skin resurfacing requires a significant time and financial investment from the patient. It’s a major operation that needs meticulous forethought and attention to detail thereafter. In most cases, only highly trained medical professionals should attempt CO2 laser skin resurfacing. We believe it should be restricted to medical facilities with doctor oversight. Inadequate procedures before, […]
Causes of Female Pattern Baldness

In both sexes, genetic hair loss is the leading cause of balding, but there are other causes of hair loss as well. Some of these are more common in women or solely affect women. We’ll look at both emotional and physical conditions that affect women and lead to balding. Causes of Female Pattern Baldness: Trichotillomania […]
Can Hair Loss be Caused by Antidepressants?

Do the antidepressants you take for your mental health cause your hair to thin or fall out? You can be experiencing hair loss due to antidepressant medication. To help you stay aware and prepared, this article examines the causal relationship between anti-depressant medication and hair loss and provides a list of medicines known to cause […]
Can Baldness Be Stopped or Slowed Down?

Hair loss or balding affects up to 80% of men and 50% of women. While this common ailment probably won’t put your life in danger, it may certainly have a negative impact on your outlook on life and your mental well-being. Hair restoration is a speciality at Hair Transplant Centre Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur (Petaling […]
Acne scars: Where Do They Come From?

The only thing worse than acne itself is being constantly reminded that you have had acne. Sizes and forms vary widely. Scars of all shapes and sizes: ice picks, rollers, pits, etc. and sometimes it’s just permanent dark markings. What causes acne to leave scars, then? What causes acne scars? When acne lesions (pimples and […]