Alopecia Types & Treatments: What Your Hair Loss Reveals

Are you seeing less hair in the mirror after you wash or comb through your hair? You’re not alone! Over 80% of men and 50% of women have substantial hair loss at some point in their lives. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors. The disruption of the hair’s normal development cycle […]
What Should I Do to Get Ready for My FUE Hair Transplant?

Products claiming to thicken or regenerate hair have become increasingly common in recent years. The truth is that most of these beauty aids don’t live up to their claims.
Crown Hair Transplant: Best Hair Restoration Solution

One of the most common causes of hair loss in males, male pattern baldness, affects both the crown and the hairline. However, as a result of male pattern baldness, most men will eventually lose hair from the head. The Norwood Scale is used to quantify the extent of hair loss. Even though there are other […]